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Tailored solutions from b8one are transforming the shopping experience at Itatiaia


Post-migration results with b8one

Achieved Results

increase in website traffic


increase in website transactions


conversion rate increase


revenue increase


How b8one Boosted Itatiaia's Sales

Itatiaia chose b8one to lead the migration of its e-commerce to VTEX IO, aiming to improve the customer experience, bringing greater fluidity and efficiency. The partnership brought significant improvements, increasing sales and customer satisfaction.

Ongoing development and implementation

Collection PageA dedicated page was created to highlight new releases and campaigns, providing a more engaging shopping experience.
Order Cancellation FeatureA unique solution was implemented to reduce the burden on customer service, making it accessible only when necessary.
GA4 Setup It was a crucial step towards improving data analysis and website performance tracking.

Conversion Strategies: Multi-language and Coupons

Multi-language Implementation with VTEXTo make another language available. A section of the institutional page with the ability to change the language of the page.
Black Friday Coupon Pop-up StrategyFor last year's Black Friday, the team designed a pop-up flow on the homepage, offering coupons with expiration dates, encouraging purchases during the event.
Dedicated Black Friday Landing PageSpecially designed to boost Black Friday sales.

Personalized Solutions: Elevating Customer Experience

Static Offers MenuA static offers menu has been implemented, allowing for activation and deactivation as needed.
UX AnalysisBased on a reference study, a wireframe was created with a focus on usability, aiming for improvements for the end user.
Homepage RedesignSeeking to refine navigation and integrate more captivating visual elements to simplify the process of finding relevant products and information.
PDP RedesignThe goal was to make the page more intuitive and user-friendly, with a focus on navigation and user experience.
Checkout RedesignThe checkout is being redesigned to streamline the buying process, minimizing the number of steps required and making it more user-friendly.